Life Is What Happens When You Re Busy Making Other Plans Meaning

Life is what happens when you re busy making other plans meaning I thought i had read it is actually someone else who coined this like a long time before.
Life is what happens when you re busy making other plans meaning. Another version of the same maxim that i like very much is. Take for instance one of my favorite quotations life is what happens to you while you re busy making other plans which is mistakenly and repeatedly attributed to the late john lennon who was killed on december 8 1980. Are you absolutely sure that lennon is the one wrote this lyric. And losing 12 pounds is a huge deal.
Life life is a process lively ships that pass in the night and speak each other in passing only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness. My scale only seems to have one direction up. And in the other group the hosts weren t able to continue organizing the meetings because of an illness in the family. Het leven is datgene dat je aan je voorbij laat gaan terwijl je druk bent met plannen maken.
But the general expression can be traced back more than two decades before this time. But who wants to dig. Beautiful boy 2018 by felix van groeningen was named after lennon s song his song is also sung by the main character to his own son. Life is what happens when you have other plans we usually think we know what life is in general.
Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans. Fact checking has never been more accessible to the average person even though google and other search engines are sometimes alarmingly wrong. Terwijl je tracht je doelen te bereiken. In our monthly newsletter i wrote it reminds us of john lennon s famous phrase.
This famous saying from john lennon reflects a paradox in our lives. So on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another only a look and a voice then darkness again and a silence. Door het proberen controle te krijgen over je leven raak je er juist verder van verwijderd. Life is what happens to you while you re busy making other plans.
Many of us would like to have a peaceful ride enjoy the present moment yet we can t help but make future plans so we feel secure or we spend time digging on past hurts. Life is what happens to you while you re busy making other plans. Cathy this was such an encouraging post. John lennon vertaling door loo.
Life is what happens to you while you re busy making other plans.
Related post Life is what happens when you re busy making other plans meaning:
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